Numerous studies have demonstrated that human circadian rhythms in many measures of performance and physiological activity actually have a 2-peak daily (circasemidian) pattern.〔Mitler MM, Carskadon MA, Czeisler CA, Dement WC, Dinges DF, Graeber RC. "Catastrophes, sleep, and public policy: consensus report". ''Sleep'' 11:100-109, 1988. - Eastman C. "Are separate temperature and activity oscillators necessary to explain the phenomena of human circadian rhythms?" In: Moore-Ede MC, Czeisler CA, editors. ''Mathematical Models of the Circadian Sleep-Wake Cycle''. New York, Raven, 1984. pp. 81–103. - US Congress Office of Technology Assessment. ''Biological Rhythms: Implications for the Worker''. Washington DC, US Government Printing Office, 1991.〕 The word, circasemidian, is based upon the Latin words ''circa'' ("about"), ''semi'' ("half") and ''dia'' ("day"). Thus, this is a rhythm that has two cycles per day, and some investigators have referred to it as the semicircadian rhythm. It usually serves to (1) deepen the pre-dawn nadir in body temperature and cognitive performance, (2) create a flat spot during the early afternoon in the daytime increase in body temperature and cognitive performance (the "post-lunch dip"), and (3) heighten the early-evening peak in body temperature and cognitive performance.〔Miller, J. C. (2006). ''(In Search of Circasemidian Rhythms )]''. Report no. 2006-0074. Brooks City-Base TX: Air Force Research Laboratory.〕 Broughton was the first to bring this characteristic of human performance to the attention of researchers.〔Broughton RJ. "SCN controlled circadian arousal and the afternoon "nap zone"." ''Sleep Res Online'' 1(4):166-178, 1998, - Broughton RJ. "Biorhythmic variations in consciousness and psychological functions". ''Canadian Psychological Reviews'' 16:217-230, 1975. - Broughton RJ. "Chronobiological aspects and models of sleep and napping". In: Dinges DF, Broughton RJ (eds.), ''Sleep and Alertness: Chronobiological, Behavioral and Medical Aspects of Napping''. New York, Raven Press, 71-98, 1989.〕 ==Evidence== No evidence exists to support the presence of a circasemidian rhythm in the rhythmic cells of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the accepted internal timing source for the major circadian rhythms of the body. Thus, though it falls in the domain of an ultradian rhythm, the circasemidian rhythm may be the first harmonic of the circadian rhythm and not an intrinsic rhythm. However, a number of published data sets have shown a daily two-peak error pattern in industrial and transportation environments.〔Bjerner B, Holm A, Swennson A. "Diurnal variation in mental performance: A study of three-shift workers". ''Br J Ind Med'' 12:103-110, 1955. - Browne RC. "The day and night performance of teleprinter switchboard operators". ''Occupational Psychology'' 23:1-6, 1949. - Folkard S, Lombardi DA, Tucker PT. 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"Temporal patterns of reported single-vehicle car and truck accidents in Texas, USA, during 1980-1983". ''Chronobiologia'' 2:131-140, 1985. - Lavie P, Wollma M, Pollack I. "Frequency of sleep–related traffic accidents and hour of the day". ''Sleep Research'' 15:275, 1986. - Mitler MM. "Two-peak patterns in sleep, mortality and error". ''Proc Intl Sympos on Sleep and Health Risk'', Springer Verlag, 1989. - Prokop O, Prokop L. "Ermuding und einschlafen am steuer". ''Dtsch Z Gerichtl Med'' 44:343-355, 1955.〕 The pattern was also obvious in many of the charts shown in the review by Rutenfranz and Colquhoun,〔Rutenfranz J, Colquhoun P. "Circadian rhythms in human performance". ''Scand J Work Environ & Health'' 5:167-177, 1979.〕 though they did not suggest a circasemidian rhythm as a mediator for the pattern. Other investigators have reported a circasemidian rhythm in body temperature,〔Colquhoun WP, Blake MJF, Edwards RS. "Experimental studies of shift-work I: A comparison of 'rotating' and 'stabilized' 4-hours shift systems". ''Ergonomics'' 11:437-453, 1968. - Colquhoun WP, Paine MWPH, Fort A. "Circadian rhythm of body temperature during prolonged undersea voyages". ''Aviat Space Environ Med'' 49(5):671-678, 1978. - Colquhoun WP, Paine MWPH, Fort A. "Changes in the temperature rhythm of submariners following a rapidly rotating watchkeeping system for a prolonged period". ''Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health'' 42:185-190, 1979. - Martineaud JP, Cisse F, Samb A. "Circadian variability of temperature in fasting subjects". ''Scripta Medica (Brno)'' 73(1):15–24, 2000.〕 melatonin〔Maggioni C, Cornelissen G, Antinozzi R, Ferrario M, Grafe A, Halberg F. "A half-yearly aspect of circulating melatonin in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth retardation". ''Neuroendicrinology Letters'' 20:55-68, 1999.〕 and slow-wave sleep.〔Hayashi M, Morikawa T, Hori T. "Circasemidian 12 h cycle of slow wave sleep under constant darkness". ''Clin Neurophysiol'' 113(9):1505-16, 2002.〕 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「circasemidian rhythm」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク